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case study

Providing real time decision support for Together’s Programmatic Activation Team. 

Laptop showing graphs and data

Project Description

Together’s Salesforce Practice designed and implemented a custom dashboarding and reporting solution for our media team, using the Salesforce Cloud Intelligence Platform, that allows them to better monitor the performance of clients digital activity and make more informed, timely optimisation decisions.

KEY Outcomes


View of key performance metrics and data across 28 distinct platforms


Hours of productive time recovered annually

Automated budget monitoring and simplified inflight campaign optimisation

The Challenge

Together’s programmatic activation team manages always on performance digital activity all of Together’s clients. Always pushing for better performance delivery and optimisation, they were finding that industry standard tool were no longer able to deliver the timely insight and data they needed to understand real time performance and make optimisation decisions.


The Solution

Together’s Salesforce Practice designed and delivered a bespoke solution using Salesforce Cloud Intelligence Platform. The solution aggregates data from multiple different sources and provides a customised dashboard and reports based on the specific needs of different clients and our programmatic specialists.


The Result

Today the solution is central to the work our programmatic specialists do everydays. It provides them with a “control room’ style view of everything going on with their campaigns, enabling them to quickly make changes and optimise in response to changes in the market or client objectives.


“This solution was a game changer for the team. It has allowed us to take our programmatic craft to the next level and increase the value we drive for clients.”

Head of Programmatic, Together NZ