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case study
A data-driven approach with all the right properties.

Project Description
Together designed and delivered a solution on the Google Cloud Platform that aggregates data from multiple sources to provide Brightr with an actionable and comprehensive view of their addressable market down to individual property level.
KEY Outcomes
Single source of the truth for all planning and reporting
Quantification of target market across thirteen sales regions
Properties records geo-coded and processed
The Challenge
Brightr are an approved provider of the Government Warmer Kiwi Homes Subsidy programme, providing free in-home consultation, supply and installation of insulation products. In 2023, facing challenging economic conditions, Brightr engaged Together to help transform its approach to managing demand generation and activity volumes for the regional sales and installation teams delivering this service.

The Solution
A BigQuery data warehouse was utilised for ingestion and aggregation of data from a number of distinct source systems, and to enable analysis and reporting. The solution required significant levels of data integration and also data processing, using API based services to geocode property address data to facilitate matching and harmonisation, and also to define eligibility areas and overlay Brightr sales regions.

The Result
The solution provides Brightr with a comprehensive view of their addressable market by region that is updated continuously based on eligibility and installation data. Critically, it enables the prioritisation and management of geo-targeted demand generation activity that can be dynamically adjusted based on installation team capacity in each region.

“Our Google Cloud Addressable Market solution provides us with a deeper understanding of our market and gives us the ability to dynamically adjust investment and activity at both a regional and local level based on customer demand and installation team capacity. Using that data to drive decisions now provides us with a tangible competitive advantage.”
General Manager, Brightr